X32userconfigs - NEWS #7
Hi there!
This is actually the most sophisticated and elaborate SCENEs setup, that has
ever been done on this website. Check out yourself, if you could take advantage
of it for your application!
BackesBand (backesband.de) optimizing setup with X32 Rack
6.1 Setup before
FOH: X32 Compact
Stage: 2x S16

6.2 Setup afterwards
FOH: X32 Compact
Stage: 1x S16
1x X32 Rack

6.3 Requirements for the new setup
- Necessary signal channels:
8 Drums/Perc, 1 Bass, 2 Keys, 4 E-Git, 2 A-Git, 1 Flitsch, 7 Vocals
(+1 reserve)
- 7 mono monitor-InEars should become 7 stereo InEars.
- For reduction of In-head-localization (IHL), leading to earlier listening
fatigue InEar monitoring sound has to be equipped with natural space
- For improving acoustic instruments sound (A-Git, Flitsch) a stereo-chorus
effect should be available on the InEar mixes.
- 2 monitoring concepts have to be realizable:
1. Hearing the final FOH mix and blending one's own voice or
instrument to it as desired.
2. Doing a complete individual monitor mix.
- Each of the 7 band musicians should be able to adjust his or her own InEar
monitor mix via tablet or smartphone, finally releasing the FOH sound technician
completely from this task!
- Stereo subgroups for Lead Voc, Backing Voc, E-Git, Drums, A-Git with activated
BUS-compression on each of them.
Dynamic Auto-Mix according to Dave Rat:
Since (almost) all signals are routed to subgroups, they are influenced by BUS compression.
With higher signal amplitude there will automatically be higher compression and thus a
more compact and dense sound.
When configuring a DCA-fader for ALL SIGNALS and another one for ALL GROUPS this
effect can even be amplified: Increasing ALL SIGNALS and decreasing ALL GROUPS
leads to higher compressing subgroups, useful for louder songs.
Ballads and more soft pieces on the other hand are benefitting from reduction of
ALL SIGNALS and lowering ALL GROUPS, leading to a more open and dynamic signature.
- Lead-Voc subgroup with dynamic EQ, utilizing the 5-band-multiband-compressor
COMBINATOR, thus avoiding the constant EQ ‘screwing’ between quiet or loud
vocal parts (lowering unpleasant mid frequencies at loud parts and boosting them
again at quiet passages, as well as reducing booming low mids when close miking
and increasing them again for greater microphone distances).
- All vocals having double or triple compressors applied, that, by task sharing
and in combination, are bringing vocals to the front in a very natural and transparent way.
- Multitrack recording and virtual soundcheck at FOH console with the X-Live-Card.
- PA volume control for 2 mid-high (top) speakers and 2 different pairs of subwoofers
using matrix channels (MTX), as well as outputs for an additional location hall PA system.
- Setting up the bands equipment and stage must be achievable within 10 minutes!
Here the actual BackesBand stage rack...
...with the new X32 Rack on top, the wireless transmitters, a 4-channel DI and 2 Digitech
E-Git Preamps.